When will Hawaii Reopen? An Online Guide
Aloha Kupuna Power Ohana,
Hope this musing finds you well and healthy. Mahalo for visiting WeAreKupuna.com. As you can see, there is an abundance of content to choose from. We always want this website to be meaningful and relevant, with important information to help you navigate the vast Kupuna landscape. Sometimes with wistful commentary, sometimes with encouragement and optimism, sometimes with cold hard facts. Here's a combo. Please find the link below. You can't eat this in one bite. It's a virtual smorgasbord (buffet) of information provided by the State to help inform us about all things health and economy, something I doubt the vast majority would have readily available, but now you do! Put it in the right file so you can go to it when needed.
"The Beyond Recovery: Reopening Hawaiʻi strategy conveys Hawaii’s coordinated, statewide strategy to address the COVID-19 health and economic crisis. The reopening strategy outlines a phased approach to pivot from the COVID-19 public health emergency to renew and rebuild our communities into a stronger and more resilient Hawaiʻi moving forward. We understand that we will be living with and effectively managing COVID-19 for the foreseeable future, and therefore must remain adaptable and vigilant as restrictions are eased."
Click here for Beyond Recovery: Reopening Hawaii: https://recoverynavigator.hawaii.gov/reopening-status/
Malama for now,
Brickwood Galuteria
Kupuna Power